Social Impact Projects

I am a creator, strategist, and designer for social good.
How I approach my work
From a place of curiosity and compassion.
I’m a proud multiracial woman who grew up in smalltown Iowa - and that’s definitely impacted how I work and the goals I work towards. So much of my work centers on making space for difficult conversations. If I had to narrow it down, my work falls into three passion areas: mental health and awareness, sex positivity and education, and gender and racial equity.
From attending high school in a literal cornfield, life has taken me on some interesting paths: I’ve drawn caricatures in Central Park, served as a graphic reporter at the UN Foundation's Social Good Summit, I designed a billboard in Times Square for the not-for-profit Statement Arts, I’ve taught courses on community-based design for social good and women’s health and well-being at an R1 institution, and I’m on the board for the not-for-profit Story Maven.

My teaching philosophy
Constantly learning.
What’s the question that we’re going to work on next? Does this question actually make any sense? As Lesley-Ann Noel said, "For education to be relevant it has to be contextual." My classes are all about questions and not about solutions. Through project-based learnings, workshops, and critiques students ask questions and continue to question and refine critically. I begin my courses by asking students to contribute problem spaces to the curriculum so that the work is community-based and passion-led. The actual content doesn’t matter so much as the process,